The World is an open library, to acquire knowledge one has to go out explore, discover and learn from it. As in Saint Augustine words “the World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”
At IUM we believe the entire world is a family. Today in the era of globalization we all are interconnected. This gives us an opportunity to understand each other, learn from different cultures and celebrate the diversity to make all of us a better human being. We also believe that the students are global citizens. Hence, they have a responsibility to understand today’s global diversity and challenges and bring their creative minds together to make this universe a better place to live.
At IUM we invite our students to take a challenge of global learning by participating and travelling in group to learn the far away cultures, challenges of development and sustainable models around the world. Participating students in our academic trips will not only submerged in rich culture of India, but we also introduce them to the challenges of developing nations. They will witness and learn the sustainable models by visiting several organizations turning these challenges to opportunities at the grass root level.
“Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you traveled.” Unknown